Friday, January 13, 2012

Call Me Crazy




Call me crazy or join me. Those are your two options this morning, soon to be afternoon.  I went to bed last night with the high hopes of going on a long run today since it has been over a week and I am technically, well lets be real, I am in training.  However, when the door was thrust open at 9am I was kindly greeted with a "you should head to the Y instead" by my mother.  Did I head to the Y? No. I might be crazy, in fact I know I am but I get this sort of exhilarating feeling when I am the only one on the road bracing the cold.  I did happen to see one brave woman running her way up my road but even I was too chicken for that.  While living in the countryside does have its perks, snow & wind do not mix well and when you a huge 1/2 mile long hill onto it you are simply doomed for failure. Luckily I was able to do the most logical thing least in my mind...

I hopped in the car and made it to town, a ride that typically takes 3-5 minutes but took me 15 today.  I was greeted at the top my hill by a Cheshire Fireman who kindly told me to take it easy on the roads and asked that I not go to the end of the lake when returning (later to find out that a car had flung itself into the lake!)  My run, however very short, was great.  The only downside to my run this morning was (a) the short length and (b) lack of shoveling and plowing on behalf of the lovely Canandaigua residents.  But who are we kidding? It is a blizzard and I am the crazy one.  So there I was. Gloves, headband, gator and insulator pants making my way through the streets of the city. It was great.  Hope everyone else is enjoying this blizzard day as much as I am.

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