Monday, November 14, 2011


I owe you an apology for my recent hiatus from blogging the past few days.  I was ridiculously busy with BPG, Brendan visiting and many other fun and exciting activities.  Lets catch up a bit and move forward with the week:

Brendan came to watch my show and we spent the day relaxing.  He took me to breakfast at Highland Park Diner and then I spent the morning in class. We relaxed for the afternoon and then got ready for our big show!

here are a few quick clips from the show:

Geek in the Pink, We rocked the whole "geeky" look which is well suited for U of R.

Me and Sarah before the big show, it took quite a lot of effort to get me out of that tutu, I am IN LOVE with it!

After the show everyone made their way to Friendly's.  I was rather disappointed to realize that they are not like Dennys and DO NOT serve breakfast all night. What?

We settled for a Banana Split which was delicious and definitely filled my starving belly.  First official banana split, ever, and it was amazing.

Saturday we took a trip to Canandaigua and stopped at the Christmas Market, an arts and crafts show designed much like the markets in Germany. We grabbed some bratwurst and beer and met up with Brendan's family. How fun!  There was a very cuddley Alpaca that I tried to bring home with me but that did not work out very well.

Saturday night we went to the Amerks game with a few close friends. I had never been to an Amerks game before but for the $23 tickets it was AWESOME. I am so glad we went and would really like to go again. Also, I just realized that I am writing this like a five year old and deeply apologize.

Great 100 level seats, compliments of Will! Can't beat center ice :)

Ah the moose. I literally chased this guy down to get a picture with him. I just couldn't resist.

Yesterday I made myself get up early and I pushed through a 4 mile run, the longest distance i've done since last january. It felt great! Brendan and I went on a dinner date to Pomodoro's followed by a movie date to see J. Edgar!

Was that a quick enough summary? This week is going to be very hectic since I procrastinated everything up until today but in any case, happy Monday everyone!

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