Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 3 & 4.

Day 3: A Hand. Hand eating street vendor Churro's from WinterFest Weekend 2012

Day 4: A Stranger...Fail. I actually know this kid but must have been so tired and out of it to recognize him with a new haircut. oops.

Day 4: Bavarian Nut Roasters. These guys really were strangers, I promise.  However, they loved being photographed and I took 3094809834 pictures of them but found this one quite suiting for the stranger-esque side of the image since it seems to be sniped from afar.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 2: Words

Let's be cliche. Words are powerful.  Well, so is the way you photograph them. Take a newspaper headline for example.  I can read, "Happily Ever After" making one think of disney movies with beautiful princesses and princes or their significant other or something of the like.  Or, you can find a way to skew those words...A way to make them have a greater significance if you will.

 Day 2 of the photo challenge seemed to be more of a challenge than I had originally intended.  I learned that capturing words is definitely more difficult than it seems but not bad overall.  I apologize for lack of creativity.

Check back tomorrow for Day 3!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 1: Your View Today

So today would be February 1st if you haven't checked your calendars yet which means this whole photo a day (for 29 days) has officially started.  Day 1 (TODAY) I was told to photograph "my view today" and here is what I was able to come up with:

The new view of course would be from accepting a bid to Alpha Phi last night! How ridiculously cheesy you might ask, but oh well. I'm satisfied with it and promise that I will try to take more images with actual photographic skill than setting some lighting on my invitation.  

However, this is such a turning point in life and my experience at Rochester.  First I never thought I would ever participate in greek life, then I somehow decided to sign up for recruitment and by the end of the first day knew where I belonged (again way too cheesy). 

In any case, Happy Wednesday and happy february :)
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